
Hi, my name is Boris, and I'm an engineering manager from Chișinău, Moldova; based in Kyiv, Ukraine. My time is often consumed by work, tinkering with Emacs, delving into the world of wine, and embarking on quests in Final Fantasy XIV (or other video games).

I share much of my Emacs journey on GitHub, alongside musings on this site.

I also detail my experiences with wine and the various tasting events I partake in or organise on 🍇 Barberry Garden 🦄.

If you appreciate my content, consider supporting me through Payoneer.

P.S. d12frosted means dice with 12 sides from the Chessex™ frosted series. I used to play. Just a little bit.

From the blog

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emacs · org-roam · vulpea

Vulpea v0.3

Announcing Vulpea v0.3, with major performance improvements for note querying operations. The release introduces a materialized view table that provides a 4.5x speed boost for general queries, plus specialized query functions that can be up to 150x faster in certain scenarios. While write operations take a small hit, the trade-off is worth it for large note collections. I've also added several quality-of-life improvements like better metadata handling and new tag utility functions.

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emacs-plus: PATH injection

Sharing how I improved PATH handling in Emacs+ to solve a common pain point. By injecting the user's PATH into Emacs.app during build, users now get the expected environment variables when launching Emacs from anywhere on macOS. This change also simplifies native-comp configuration and helps avoid common compilation issues. While it's not as dynamic as exec-path-from-shell, it provides a solid out-of-box experience for Emacs+ users.provided by Emacs+ that injects PATH value during build

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emacs-plus: stats

Sharing some analytics insights from Emacs Plus and how they'll influence future maintenance. Looking at installation data, Emacs 28 is currently the most popular version, and features like native-comp and xwidgets are heavily used. I'm considering deprecating some rarely-used options while making it easier to enable simple build flags. For icons, modern-doom3, nobu417-big-sur, and spacemacs lead in popularity. Any major changes will be well-communicated to avoid disrupting users' workflows.