emacs · release · flyspell-correct

flyspell-correct v0.5

Announcing flyspell-correct 0.5, with a new rapid mode for fixing multiple words in one run, plus some function renames and bug fixes. The update also improves skipping behavior and adds test coverage. Check out the full changelog and let me know if you encounter any issues!

flyspell-correct is a package for distraction-free words correction with flyspell via selected interface. It's available on GitHub and MELPA.

Recently, there was a major release of flyspell-correct. Version 0.5 introduces rapid mode for fixing multiple words in one run, breaking renames and tests. Read further for the complete change list.

  • Skip words that don't need to be fixed (e.g. duplicates).
  • Rename several functions (via name deprecation)
    • flyspell-correct-next-word-generic -> flyspell-correct-next
    • flyspell-correct-previous-word-generic -> flyspell-correct-previous
    • flyspell-correct-word-generic -> flyspell-correct-at-point
  • Create a wrapper function for most of the cases, namely flyspell-correct-wrapper.
  • Implement a 'rapid mode' for flyspell-correct-wrapper, allowing user to fix multiple words in one run (skip action can be used to skip current incorrect word and continue to the next one).
  • Add some simple tests to cover the most important use cases.
  • Fix issue when flyspell-correct-next doesn't correct word at point.

Intro post also was updated to better explain key points of flyspell-correct.

Hopefully, you'll like the new version. If something doesn't work for you, please let me know!